April Fools' Day 1:
I asked bin Laden has water, he gave me a océan.Je asked him to grass, he gave me a prairie.Je asked him a di ispice counasse, he has given your number.April Fools' Day 2:
I just received a check for 10,000 euros for you. The message indicates that this is a gift of a childhood friend who does not know your address. I am directed to send you this check, phone me .... April Fools! ! !April Fools' Day 3:
Urgent: Your car was stolen and involved in a cambriolage.Merci to contact the police. Warrant MolautApril Fools' Day 4:
Congratulations! You just won first prize in the smaller maleApril Fools' Day 5:
Huge earthquake in Albania, 50,000 deaths, the United States are sending food, Britain sending clothes, Switzerland send 50,000 Albanian spare ...
6.Beautiful, Fatal Beauty, unbearably essential and perfect, but hey let's stop talking about me, and you how are you?
7.Hello, we have detected the misuse of your phone in vibrate mode, we remind you that this is a phone and not an instrument of pleasure ... signed: your operator
8.It's a little boy who told his mother:
-Mom, there is a man who sleeps with the good!
-A gentleman?
-It's April Fools Day!
9.Hello, this is your internet agency, we will have to withdraw your abonement because you go too often on porn sites, thank you contact me to discuss it and find a solution.
10.Important: Your phone bill is unpaid, your line will be cut from 18h tonight. Your telephone company.
11.Support: Following a technical problem, your phone will vibrate for 10 minutes. Take this opportunity to put it where you want ...
12.Caution! This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds. Get rid of your mobile phone immediately!
13.Hello I'm your mobile phone and I have something to ask you,
the next time you go to refill me with molo decision, I still have pain in the ass!
14.I am an alien disguised as a cell phone and the key is that you tampered with my sexual organ and see your smile, it looks to make you happy!
15.Remember when we were kids and we took the train, you showed you your head at the window and I showed my ass. They looked like twins.
16.Small diction: felation morning, rest of the vagina, 69 noon, cleaning tools, sodomy in the evening, rest jaw. A pass at the pig.
17.Hello this is your Portable. Sorry, I switched to the CGT, I go on strike! Claim: double loading release + daily!
18.Hi c me Lyrics. I just wanted to get out of your pocket because the smell of neck t *** es became inssuportable now it's done. THANK YOU!
19.By dint of eat your postilions, chopper I have the flu! signed: your Cell
20.I decided to get a tattoo on a euro sex. I love seeing my savings swollen and it does not bother me that women suck me the money.