If Your asking if I Need U the answer is 4Ever
If Your asking if I’ll Leave U the answer is Never
If Your asking what I value the Answer is U
if Your asking if I love U the answer is I do.
No poems no fancy words I just want the world to know that I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart. Happy Valentine's Day .

When i look at you,
i cannot deny there is God,
cause only God could have created some one
as wonderful n beautiful as you.
Heart is like a bottle of perfume.If u never open it nobody knows the fragrance inside it..If u keep it always open soon u will loose ur fragrance.So act wisely.Happy Valentine's Day.
The minute I heard my first love story
I started looking for you, not knowinghow blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
They’re in each other all along.
You know I wish I can be with you everyday for 8 days a week and 25 hrs a day. I never seem to get enough of you.
24hrs make a lovely day,
7 days make a lovely week,
52 weeks make a lovely year & knowing a
person like me will make ur life lovely.
Have a lovely day n life!
`My soul is shattered without your arms to hold me,Like a mirror without a reflection. I Love U my Valentine.Happy Valentine's Day.
You are unique
You are caring and
You are the best. And I am the
luckiest to have you in my life!
Happy Valentine’s Day my sweet heart!
My soul is shattered without your arms to hold me,Like a mirror without a reflection. I Love U my Valentine.
May this Valentine’s Day
be filled with love,
understanding, and contentment
as you journey through life
with those you hold dear.
I'm enthralled by your beauty, mesmerized by your charisma and spellbound by your love. No wonder I am always thinking about you. I wish to celebrate every Valentine with you. Happy Valentine's Day!
If i died or travelled far, i'd write ur name on every star,so everyone could look up & see, dat u mean the world 2 me.Happy Valentine's Day
I Love You a lot...
These words are not enough to express you how much I Love u.
You come in my life as an angel of the GOD and make my life so brightful, colorful and full of love. I always pray to God to tie us in a sacred knot soon so that we spend each and every moment together. You always support me, care me, love me.. I m always thankful to GOD who gave me such a true & loving heart person in my life...
Happy Valentines Day!! My Love of Life...
Miss U....
Your smile is my sunrise, your kiss is my sunset.Thank you for being the most wonderful friend and companion.
You are my rock through all the bad times,
The most beautiful waterfall in all the good times,
My Friend, My Love, My All.
You are the most amazing part of waking up every morning,
I love you, with every beat of my heart and every breath I take.
Thank you for being in my life and my world.
If i die 2nite i go with no regrets if its in ur arms den i kno i was blessed but if ur eyes r the last thing i see den i know the beauty heaven holds for me If nothing lasts for ever, will you be my nothing? Happy Valentine's Day
I looked and searched for a different way and to say I love you on Valentine's Day.
Not with the usual poem with a rhyme saying I'm yours till the end of time.
And not just a rose that wilts at day's end or a card with dog-eared edges that bend.
But a special way to make you know how much I need and love you so.
So I looked everywhere but I couldn't find anything special for you Valentine.
Except one thing you've heard and know that the words really live in the love that we show.
So these words are special and you know they're true when I say the words from me to you...
I love you!
My heart for you will never break. My smile for you will never fade. My love for you will never end. I love you!
Wish you a very Happy Valentine's Day.
This is a message is to let you know that you are thought of always.
May God give you everything you wish for.
Love is like a cloud... love is like a dream... love is 1 word and everything in between... love is a fairytale come true... Coz I found love when I found U.Happy Valentine's Day
Kuch beete pal ki yadden sajaye rakhana
Kuch aanewale pal se arzu lagaye rakhana
Ye pal to yuhi aate jate rahenge
Bas hotonpe apni muskurahat banaya rakhana.
Love is a medicine for any kind of wound, but there is no medicine found in the world for a wound given by love.
Love is not an exam to pass or fail,
Love is not a competition to win or loss,
But love is a feeling in which you care for someone more than yourself...
Kiss me softly and speak to me low; Trust me darling, the time is near, When we may live with never a fear Kiss me dear! Kiss me softly, and speak to me low.Happy Valentine's Day
Hi My sweet Heart,
I Miss U Very Much!
I need you in my life because I LOVE YOU.
I LOVE YOU forever.
My love
I miss you so much ..
I love you so much ..
Very Happy Valentine's Day to you!